Once again, thank you for buying this record. Although all of my music is freely accessible on the internet, with your purchase you’ve not only made up for the production costs of the CD, but also shown your monetary support for an independent musician. For your free download, go to my Bandcamp page, click “Buy Digital Album” and then enter “0” as a price. Should anything not work, write me an email at contact@davidhuszmusic.com.
If you’d like to listen to more, have a look at my Youtube channel. And lastly, if you’ve enjoyed the music (which I sincerely hope you did), please consider sharing it with some of your friends – the more people know about it, the better! If you didn’t enjoy it, send it to your enemies.
Cheers, David
PS: at the last event that these CDs were sold (Untold Stories reading night on 20 Jan 2020), a few cases with no disc inside creeped their way into the batch. My theory that this, rather than having been a mistake of my own, was actually a cleverly staged abduction by music enthusiast aliens was not very well received by the members of the Untold Stories crew. If you bought a CD and found it was empty inside, I apologize – please send me a quick email and I’ll send a replacement to you asap.